Live and Laugh with Dementia : Over a Cuppa

Maryanne Marsters
2 min readSep 26, 2021

Another deliciously memorable moment living with, caring for someone with dementia.

“Want a cuppa” she asked her father. “No” Eddie replied. She stood and left the room. In the kitchen she made herself a strong coffee. Since looking out for her father strong coffee had become the norm.

As she re-entered the room, she noticed Father’s angry look. She wondered why. Before she could sit down her father said “You make yourself a coffee but nothing for me”.

Looking at her father she said “Sorry dad, I will go make you one”. He said “You better, and don’t do that again”.

She made her way back to the kitchen, and after a moment
she returned to the room with Father’s cup of coffee in hand
Placed his coffee on the side table beside his chair
and smiled at him saying “Enjoy your coffee”.
“I don’t want a coffee” he replied.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, thinking happy thoughts
As she picked up the unwanted coffee
walked over to her chair
placed the second coffee beside her cup of coffee
and said “Lucky me, I have two cups of coffee”.

She sat down, and with a Christmas tree smile turned to her father.
He smiled back.



Maryanne Marsters

Writer. Kia orana, I come from little islands in the biggest ocean in the world - Moana Pacific. I write of moments in lives. The voices of people, of us.